We get asked regularly if our Detoxifier is kid safe. The answer is Yes! My daughters have been consuming the Detoxifier since the womb. I drank these while I was pregnant (please consult your medical professional about consuming while pregnant) and nursing. My babies would literally grab it out of my hands to drink it if I was drinking one. I was shocked how much they enjoyed the taste, especially my youngest daughter. My oldest daughter doesn’t love the flavor so we sneak it into her smoothies and she doesn’t even notice! This is what a lot of parents do with our Detoxifier for their children as well, and we have had great testimonials.
We have Detoxifier smoothie, popsicle and energy bite recipes here on our website, that are delicious and kid approved! If they just want to drink it and need a touch of sweetness, they can add 1-2 tablespoons of maple syrup to it. We are surrounded by thousands of toxins daily that are hard to completely avoid, so helping our children detox is so important for their health. My children clients going through chemo like to use our product because chlorella helps eliminate the radiation that is in the body. This is true for adults as well.
Getting kids cooking in the kitchen is so important for their overall health. This couldn’t be easier for them to learn how to make by themselves, boosting their confidence in the kitchen and self love for healing themselves. They practice math by measuring the water, and science once they add the Detoxifier powder to mix in. Our daughters clean their glasses after drinking their Detoxifier which helps them learn how to be a contributing part of our family.